It is a strategic priority of Colorado Christian University to impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization.
We do many things to impact the culture in this way including speaker lectures, research, publications, student training, as well as direct lobbying at the Colorado state capitol. During the 2019 legislative session, the Centennial Institute scored ten bills and provided extra credit for two additional bills.
This past legislative session demonstrated that the Colorado legislature is leading our state in opposition to Biblical values. The bills that passed threaten parental rights, the sanctity of life, religious freedom, free markets, and the original intent of the Constitution.
We hope this scorecard will help you understand how Colorado legislators are voting on bills that directly affect you and your family. In spite of the challenges we faced in the legislature, there are legislators working to protect our values. Those legislators with a score of nine or better in our scorecard are honored each year at the Western Conservative Summit with the Faith, Family, and Freedom Award. This year, we have thirty legislators deserving of this award.
Representatives Rod Bockenfeld, Perry Buck, Terri Carver, Tim Geitner, Kimmi Lewis, Rod Pelton, Kim Ransom, Lori Saine, Shane Sandridge, James Wilson, Mark Baisley, Marc Catlin, Stephen Humphrey, Larry Liston, Patrick Neville, Janice Rich, Dave Williams, Susan Beckman, Lois Landgraf, Colin Larson, Hugh McKean, Matt Soper, and Kevin Van Winkle.
Senators John Cooke, Bob Gardner, Dennis Hisey, Chris Holbert, Paul Lundeen, Bob Rankin, and Rob Woodward.
These legislators were honored this year at the Western Conservative Summit with the Faith, Family, and Freedom Award.
Send a thank-you note to these legislators for protecting our rights!
If you are interested in being more proactive in shaping Colorado public policy, we hope you will join our legislative activist network titled Centennial Frontline.
For faith, family, and freedom,
Jeff Hunt
Director, Centennial Institute
Colorado Christian University is a 501(c)3 organization and as such cannot advocate for the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. The purpose of this scorecard is to recognize the votes of legislators on issues relevant to the mission of the Centennial Institute and the strategic priorities Colorado Christian University.
The following ballot recommendations are guided by the mission and strategic priorities of Colorado Christian University. The Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that does not endorse or oppose any candidate or political party for public office.