Centennial Institute calls for conservative agenda at Colorado capitol in 2021
LAKEWOOD, Col. — The Centennial Institute, Colorado Christian University’s (CCU) public policy think tank, has released its conservative “2021 Proposed Legislative Agenda” for the State of Colorado. Guided by its Strategic Priorities, the Institute’s proposal starkly contrasts the current status quo in Denver: overbearing government, the picking and choosing of economic winners and losers, and the rejection of parental rights. The Institute’s proposed agenda calls for state legislators to embrace tried and true principles to get Colorado back on the right track.
“The Centennial Institute has released a conservative legislative agenda that opens up the economy, restores election integrity, strengthens families, and protects the sanctity of life and religious freedom,” remarked Jeff Hunt, director of the Centennial Institute. “The way to a more prosperous Colorado is to embrace our state’s founding principles of limited government, free markets, and social conservative values.”
The 2021 Proposed Legislative Agenda calls on legislators to focus on six key areas:
Enhancing Sanctity of Life
- Pass a ban on late-term abortion
- Provide medical services to babies who survive an abortion
- Recognize the right to life begins at conception
Reducing Marijuana’s Harmful Impact
- Prioritize family and community safety over marijuana’s big business
Protecting Religious Freedom
- Pass Live and Let Live Act
- Reform the Colorado Civil Rights Commission to respect religious
freedom - Recognize churches as essential with 1st Amendment protections during
a pandemic
Protecting Parental Rights
- Pass a parent’s bill of rights
- Properly notify parents of the content of the sex-ed curriculum being
taught to their children - Rescind allowing minors to meet with school officials without parental
notification - Protect parent’s rights to make medical decisions about their children
Repairing Government Integrity
- Limit the time a governor can issue an emergency order without a vote
from the legislature - Clean up Colorado’s voter registration rolls
- End ballot harvesting in Colorado
- Improve transparency with all election software and hardware systems
- Require valid state-issued identification for voting
- Allow hand recounts for all ballots regardless of their original voting
Restoring Colorado’s Thriving Economy
- Eliminate picking and choosing certain businesses as essential
- Pledge not to increase fees or taxes upon the people of Colorado
- Reduce regulations on Colorado businesses, especially oil and gas
The Centennial Institute seeks to impact culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization.
More information on the Centennial Institute is available here.