With the Presidential election quickly upon us, who do the latest polls indicate will win? How does the electoral college factor into this year’s race?
Join us for a special election day preview with pollster David Flaherty and a discussion on the role and history of the electoral college in choosing Presidents with Dr. Vincent McGuire.
David Flaherty, CEO and founder of Magellan Strategies. He is a pollster, data miner, master of political data, campaign consultant and strategist. David has been in the business of campaigns, politics, survey research, predictive data modeling and political data analysis since 1992. Prior to forming Magellan Strategies in Colorado at the end 2006, David worked in Washington DC for 14 years at the Republican National Committee, Americans for Prosperity, and the US House of Representatives.
Dr. Vince McGuire, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He teaches American government and political theory in the university’s Kittredge Honors Program as well as its as well as its small, British-style Farrand Academic Program in the residence halls.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Colorado Christian University, Leprino Hall 170
180 S. Garrison St. Lakewood, CO 80226
Attendees must RSVP.