Join the Centennial Institute and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute as we examine the question of reparation policies in relation to racial reconciliation in the U.S.
Reparations are an issue on the horizon, with some cities across the country considering reparations to address historical injustices such as slavery. While some believe reparations would be an act of social justice for the descendants of those who suffered as slaves, others believe that reparations don’t make sense for a variety of reasons, including that they would imply that Americans today with no affiliation themselves with slavery are guilty of the sins of past generations.
The debate will be moderated by Mikayle Scheffel, Instructor of Communication and Head Coach of the Speech and Debate Team at Colorado Christian University.
Debate: Are Reparations Key to Achieving Racial Reconciliation?
Monday, March 7, 2022
7:30pm – 9:00pm MT
Anschutz Great Room
Colorado Christian University
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226
Register below to attend in-person or watch online here.
Jason D. Hill is a professor of philosophy and Honors Distinguished Faculty at DePaul University in Chicago. He is the author of five books, including We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People and, more recently: What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression. He specializes in ethics, politics, foreign policy, and moral psychology.
Matthew Walther is editor of The Lamp, a Catholic literary journal, a contributing editor at The American Conservative, and a national correspondent at The Week. His work has also appeared in First Things, The Spectator of London, The Catholic Herald, National Review, and other publications. He is currently writing a biography of the Rev. Montague Summers. He is also a Robert Novak Journalism Fellow.