
July 12-13, 2019 - Defending Religious Freedom & the First Amendment

During the 2019 Western Conservative Summit, representatives of all faiths gathered together to stand for religious liberty and signed the Williamsburg Charter, reaffirming a dedication to the freedom of conscience.

Speakers Included: Donald Trump Jr.; Ken Starr; Kelly Shackelford; Representative Chip Roy; Governor Jared Polis; Antonia Okafor; Grover Norquist; Ralph Norman; Dr. Jeff Myers; Johnnie Moore; Dr. Albert Mohler; Bob McEwen; Gary Marx; Daniel Mark; Michelle Maulkin; Nadine Maenza; Representative Doug Lamborn; Dave Kubal; Charlie Kirk; Benny Johnson; Abby Johnson; Dr. Zahdi Jasser; Kevin Jackson; Charlie Hurt; Will Witt; Jimmy Sengenberger; Dr. Donald Sweeting; David Horowitz; Justin Haskins; Representative Paul Gosar; Dr. Biff Gore; Senator Cory Gardner; Frank Gaffney; Brigitte Gabriel; Dr. Bob Fu; Tom Fitton; Jennifer Fielder: Jenna Ellis; Larry Elder; Judge Vance Day; Jim Daly; Representative Dan Crenshaw; Amy Oliver Cooke; Tim Chapman; Dr. Ben Carson; Bob Carlstrom; Representative Ken Buck; Andrew Brunson; Sam Brownback; Adam Brandon; Brent Bozell; David Azerrad

Democratic Presidential Candidate Straw Poll Winner: Joe Biden

William L. Armstrong Award Winner: Dr. Robert “Robbie” George, Legal Scholar and Professor

Under-30 Speech Contest: Isabel Brown