2022 Year In Review

America is facing an identity crisis. Truth is questioned. People are fearful of speaking out against the popular trends of the day. Colorado and the nation as a whole need a guiding light in this darkness now more than ever. The Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University continues to be a “shining city on a hill,” boldly standing for truth, educating our community, and raising the next generation of conservative leaders.

Through God’s provision, the Centennial Institute has impacted our state and nation for Christ. We boldly stood for the sanctity of life in the Colorado legislature, sending staff and students to testify in support of the rights of the preborn. Our Issue Forums examined some of the top issues facing our nation through an intellectual lens, including school choice, just war theory, international relations, the Founders’ vision for the country, reparations, and the future of conservatism. With a new venue, the Western Conservative Summit was a great success as we brought some of the nation’s top conservative thought leaders together to our region, the western United States. And, in a new partnership with Salem Media, I started the Frontier Freedom Hour, a radio show dedicated to examining the most pressing issues facing our nation from a Western, Biblical perspective.

Most importantly, we continue to train the next generation of conservative leaders to reclaim the vision of our American Founders.

These immense achievements were accomplished because of freedom-loving supporters like you.

As we welcome the New Year, please consider a gift to the Centennial Institute to strengthen our work shaping the culture for Christ, the Bible, and the Constitution.

Here’s to a successful 2023!


Jeff Hunt
Director, Centennial Institute
Co-Chairman, Western Conservative Summit