The 2015 Western Conservative Summit educated attendees on the uniqueness of America and encouraged them to take action in their communities to promote America’s founding ideals.
Speakers Included: Hugh Hewitt; Rafael Cruz; Jenny Beth Martin; Rick Santorum; Tony Perkins; Larry Solov; Warren Smith; Nick Adams; Ashley Dobson; Kevin Jackson; Richard Fowler; Mike Huckabee; Carly Fiorina; Guy Benson; Mary Katherine Ham; Governor Rick Perry; Arthur Brooks; Philip Klein; John Goodman; Rachel Campos-Duffy; Frank Gaffney; Dr. Ben Carson; Ronald Lauder; Scott Walker; Spencer Tillman; Katie Pavlich; Mark Levin; Steve Moore; Larry Kudlow; Dick Morris; Ken Cuccinelli; Michael Martin Murphey; Marcos Witt; Ted Yoho; Byron York; Senator Cory Gardner; John Fund; Jill Vecchio; Richard Fowler; Kevin Jackson; Rep. Ken Buck
Presidential Straw Poll Winner: Dr. Ben Carson