Western Conservative Summit

About the Western Conservative Summit

Since 2010, the Western Conservative Summit has brought the nation’s top conservative leaders to Denver, CO. Traditionally, over 50 speakers and over 60 exhibitors will address thousands of attendees. The goal is to inspire, educate, and activate grassroots conservatives to make a difference in their communities.

Previous speakers have included Donald Trump, Ed Meese, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Matt Walsh, Ryan Zinke, Riley Gaines, Scott Pruitt, Tulsi Gabbard, Dr. Yoram Hazony, Eric Metaxas, Kayleigh McEnany, Jeff Sessions, Kirk Cameron, Dana Loesch, Charlie Kirk, Jay Sekulow, John MacArthur, Sarah Palin, James Dobson, Scott Walker, Phil Robertson, Dennis Prager, Tim Scott, Harriet Hageman, Josh Hawley, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, James Lankford, Ben Sasse, Spencer Tillman, Lee Strobel, Mike Lee, Star Parker, Hugh Hewitt, Mia Love, Robert Woodson, the House Freedom Caucus, and many others.


Upcoming Events

Western Conservative Summit 2024

The Western Conservative Summit, originally scheduled for June 7-8, has been postponed. The event will return in 2025 under the leadership of CI’s next executive director.

Western Conservative Summit Youth Congress

You’re invited to the Western Conservative Summit Youth Congress! The Western Conservative Summit Youth Congress will offer students ages 16-24 the unique opportunity to be exposed to the nation’s most-pressing issues and learn how to impact the culture in support of Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Our History

  • Right Turn, Right Now

    Founded by CCU President Bill Armstrong and Centennial Institute Director John Andrews, the first-ever Western Conservative Summit welcomed 1000 attendees and hosted some of the nation’s top conservative minds in Lone Tree, Colorado.

  • Fulfilling America’s Promise

    Moving to Denver, Colorado, the 2011 Western Conservative Summit examined what was required to fulfill America’s promise of being a shining city on a hill to all nations.

  • Calling All Americans

    The 2012 Western Conservative Summit brought notable speakers from around the country and world to call Americans to stand for faith, family, and freedom in their communities.

  • Freedom’s New Day

    Despite growing government control, the 2013 Western Conservative Summit gave hope to attendees by demonstrating how freedom would prevail into a new day.

  • America at its Best

    During the fifth annual Western Conservative Summit, the event outgrew the Hyatt Regency in Denver and moved to its more permanent location in the Colorado Convention Center. This Summit sought to encourage and empower attendees to pursue ideas that ensure America’s best days are ahead of us.

  • Your Story: Freedom Alive

    The 2015 Western Conservative Summit educated attendees on the uniqueness of America and encouraged them to take action in their communities to promote America’s founding ideals.

  • This Land We Love

    The 2016 Western Conservative Summit was one of the largest Summits to date, hosting 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. The Summit sought to demonstrate everything that makes America a nation worthy of patriotic pride.

  • Making Goodness Fashionable

    The 2017 Western Conservative Summit emphasized stories of goodness and generosity throughout our nation, highlighting the importance of character in our society.

  • Fortifying Freedom

    The 2018 Western Conservative Summit was dedicated to examining America’s founding freedoms and equipping attendees with the knowledge to stand for the fortification of those freedoms. Speakers Included: Diamond & Silk; Ryan Bomberger; Matt Walsh; Attorney General Jeff Sessions; Dana Loesch; John Andrews; Brent Bozell;...

  • WCS2019

    Defending Religious Freedom & the First Amendment

    During the 2019 Western Conservative Summit, representatives of all faiths gathered together to stand for religious liberty and signed the Williamsburg Charter, reaffirming a dedication to the freedom of conscience.

  • America, America God Shed His Grace on Thee Film

    In a partnership with Nick Searcy and Chris Burgard, the 2020 Western Conservative Summit went virtual with the premiere of the documentary, America! America! God Shed His Grace on Thee.

  • Frontier Freedom

    The 2021 Western Conservative Summit highlighted the spirit and possibility of America through the unique lens of the American west. This hybrid Summit included the premiere of six documentaries, some of the nation’s top speakers, a sold-out ballroom of in-person attendees, and over 300,000 online viewers from around the world.

  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders at WCS22

    Time to Saddle Up and Ride

    Returning to a pre-pandemic event schedule, the 2022 Western Conservative Summit sought to prepare attendees to “saddle up and ride” into the fight of our time to advance faith, family, and freedom.

  • Western Strong

    The 2023 Western Conservative Summit returned to the Colorado Convention Center with the express purpose of standing Western Strong in the foundational principles of the Western tradition - from the uniqueness of Western Civilization to the rugged individualism that characterizes the American West.